Sarah Eichstedt

Sarah Eichstedt joined ACCESS as a Volunteer in November of 2023, starting as the program coordinator for the Women’s Business Launch and now volunteering as the coordinator for the Small Business Accelerator Program. In this role, Sarah introduces the facilitators, makes sure the sessions run smoothly, and answers any questions that the participants or facilitators have.

As for why Sarah – the first-year university student and one of our youngest volunteers to date – decided to take time out of her busy schedule to volunteer at ACCESS? She connected with our mission.

“I’m really interested in equal opportunities for different marginalized groups, such as women or people who don’t have financial access to starting their business,” Sarah said. “As soon as the position popped up online, I was immediately interested.”

As a University of Toronto student studying accounting with a focus on data science, Sarah’s volunteer position doesn’t overlap much with her schooling; however, one of her favourite parts of the role is hearing different people’s stories. “[The participants] are so interested in what they’re doing, and they’re really passionate about their businesses,” Sarah said. “That’s what I like hearing most.”